Head Forward Seminar

 “The ‘self’ as the core of the rehabilitaon pathway: From individual differences to social achievements”

On Wednesday 14th October 2017 we held a free seminar at the centre. The primary aim of the seminar was to gather together a range of brain injury rehabilitation professionals (Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, case Managers etc) in order to create a space for multi-disciplinary dialogue around issues relating to 'the self' as an aspect of the rehabilitation process. 

Recent research was presented in a series of presentations, with many productive and interesting discussions taking place both after these presentations and between seminar attendees during the general lunchtime networking session. This was the second seminar that we have held and it was a great success. 


Perspectives of rehabilitation needs and demands from the patient, relatives and professionals - Steve Pimm, Physiotherapist and Senior Case Manager Rehab Without Walls 

What does “rehabilitation” mean to people affected by acquired brain injury? - Philip Wallbridge, Assistant Psychologist, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

Time experiences in Traumatic Brain Injury - Martin Casassus, Psychologist and Program Director Head Forward Centre

Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation in Brain Injury: The development of a psycho-education intervention - Leanne Rowlands, PhD student, University of Bangor, Wales, UK